Saturday, 7 January, 10:15–11:30 a.m., Liberty Ballroom Salon A, Philadelphia Marriott
Speakers reflect on the classroom as a site of increasingly fraught conversations about identity and propose strategies for responding.
Bruce Robbins is Old Dominion Foundation Professor of the Humanities in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. He is the author of The Beneficiary; Perpetual War: Cosmopolitanism from the Viewpoint of Violence; Upward Mobility and the Common Good; Feeling Global: Internationalism in Distress; Secular Vocations: Intellectuals, Professionalism, Culture; and The Servant’s Hand: English Fiction from Below. His essays have appeared in n+1, The Nation, Public Books, the London Review of Books, and the LA Review of Books. A collection of essays entitled Cosmopolitanisms, edited with Paulo Horta, is forthcoming. He is also the director of the documentary Some of My Best Friends Are Zionists (