Saturday, 7 January, 10:15–11:30 a.m., Liberty Ballroom Salon A, Philadelphia Marriott
Speakers reflect on the classroom as a site of increasingly fraught conversations about identity and propose strategies for responding.
Sally Haslanger is Ford Professor of Philosophy and Women’s and Gender Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has published in metaphysics, epistemology, feminist theory, and critical race theory. Broadly speaking, her work links issues of social justice with contemporary work in epistemology, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind. Her book Resisting Reality: Social Construction and Social Critique won the Joseph B. Gittler award for work in philosophy of the social sciences. Recently she has worked on structural explanation with an emphasis on the materiality of social practices and the role of ideology. In 2015, as the Spinoza Professor at the University of Amsterdam, Haslanger gave a series of lectures, workshops, and seminars on critical theory and practice. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
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